Earth science is the study of the Earth's structure, properties, processes, and four and a half billion years of biotic evolution. On your earth sciences (Geology or Applied Geophysics) degree, you will study the following namely the structure, processes, properties of the planet as well as nearly 4.5 billion years of biotic evolution. The term “earth sciences” includes the study of solid earth, meteorology, water flowing on or beneath continental surfaces (hydrology, hydrogeology) etc.

Ongoing developments in earth sciences provide an understanding of changing environments, the natural distribution of energy resources, and provide various methodologies for mitigating and predicting the effects of geological disasters such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and landslides.

An earth science degree involves study of all the sciences. There are many benefits to a degree in this field, including varied and exciting earth science careers, the opportunity to work anywhere around the globe, and the unique chance to make a positive difference in the world. The following are the benefits of studying earth sciences related courses in Anchor University Lagos:

  1. Work all over the world
    A major benefit of earth science careers is that you can work anywhere in the world. Earth scientists are needed in all countries and all climates. As a result the lecturers and researchers in the Department will expose you to this various opportunities that are available globally in the course of your study. (The following areas are precise areas you can work after your study as a geologist or geophysicist: oil and gas industry, petroleum, groundwater, civil engineering and construction companies; nuclear research bodies and commissions; waste management agencies; government organizations and museums)
  2. Fieldwork and research.
    Whichever area of programmes you choose to study in the Department (Geology or Applied Geophysics), you will be exposed to fieldwork, research and how data are processed and interpreted in solving real life problem such as mineral exploration, groundwater related problems, oil and gas etc.
  3. Transferable skills.
    During your degree in Anchor University Lagos, you will acquire and develop specialised knowledge of the subject, but you will also gain plenty of skills that can transfer to other career paths and areas of life which can make you to be entrepreneur. Some of these transferable skills include:
    1. Data collection
    2. Observation
    3. Analysis
    4. Presenting information
    5. Understanding and processing textual, oral, numerical, and graphical data.